i know it's a cheap shot to take, but aren't asians stereotypically known for being short? it's just that steve looks so tiny, even compared to those wee asian kids...that's okay though. what steve lacks in height he makes up in ego. oh. and lying. he also makes up for height in lying.
I do not know what you are talking about. Steven NEVER NEVER LIES! You need to seriously get a life and quit lying yourself! If anyone is a liar around here it's you Buttstreet! So get a clue!
I can't wait to see Steven's next film "Beyond". He is so talented that in addition to Directing the film, he was also seen hauling equipment around and getting coffee for some schlep named Breck Eisner. Who in the world is Breck Eisner? And why is he demanding that Steven Greenstreet, the Director of "Beyond" get him coffee?
I guess Steven is so humble that he likes to make sure that everyone on his crew has enough beverages and snacks.
keep it clean! I have made it clear that we at stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com want to provide family friendly comedy for years to come. Shame on me for being in such a hurry that I didn't take the time to read your ENTIRE comment before posting it. We at stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com WILL NOT tolerate that brand of language!
We at stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com reserve the right to "filter", delete or delete portions of any and all comments to assure the dialogue is always apropriate for the entire family.
What's the story with that poor, small, sickly, undernourished, albino Chinese boy in the picture??? He is clearly MUCH SMALLER than the other Chinese kids. Is he one of those poor kids from Beijing who does not get to drink milk which helps us all build healthy bones and teeth and helps us grow taller???
I think its terrible that these poor albino Chinese kids could be so blatantly discriminated against by that Commie Chinese government. I had always read about their human rights abuses and all----but this one is downright dastardly!!!!
I am personally writing to Condeleeza Rice to see if she can get the message across to the Chinese that keeping poor, small, albino Chinese boys without a proper milk supply is not right and will not be tolerated by the international community.
In the meantime, I think we should all kick in and try to track down this pale little nymph and try to get him some milk products. Heck the poor neglected little scrub might even need Ovaltine twice a day at this point just to survive.
HURRY! There are more pictures of Greenstreet in Hong Kong on his blog! Grab one or two of them so we can make fun of them! But, seriously, hurry! Now that school's out, I've got nothing better to do than worry and fret about Steven Greenstreet.
I have no doubt that you indeed seek the truth when you say:
"The beans that I'm about to spill to you fine people are not, in fact, beans of either libel or slander. They are beans of truth, and if you sow these beans, they will grow into a mighty beanstalk of truth! Please do not erase this post, because I'm not kidding about this. Steven is not only a thief and a liar, but also an adulterer! That's right, I happen to have heard straight from the horse's mouth (Mr. Greenstreet's mistress, "________"), that the two shared several intimate moments while Mr. Greenstreet was still legally married to his wife. Granted, this has nothing to do with Mr. Greenstreet's ability as a director/director's assistant, but as Mr. Greenstreet is known for his staunch advocacy of the first amendment, I am merely following his example. Thanks, Steve. You are truly one of the last great Americans."
However, might I suggest that you start your own blog that deals more with the heavy stuff surrounding Mr. Greenstreet. We at "stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com" feel it our duty to steer clear of the heavy topics such as this as we know nothing regarding such accusations as true as they may or may not be. We wish to keep it PG for the children.
Thank you for understanding our stance on this issue.
Best of luck to you on your new PG-13 Blog about Mr. Greenstreet!
Scott Larson posted that last post. and he is, indeed, the manager in charge. I heard that rumor too about Greenstreet and all the girls he's been with, etc. Man! Will he EVER stop? The man's out of control! Do something StevenGreenstreet.blogspot.com!
Uh Oh! Greenstreet put up a post on his blog about this site and how much we "hate him" here. Hey Greenstreet, don't you think if we really hated you, we'd go out and get lives of our OWN? Nah... it's all love here, man.
What a minute. Which "anonymous" is talking now? I have no idea! I just wanted to know who Scott Larsen is! That doesn't mean I want to let the whole world (which currently revolves around this blog) to know my real name. People might start up blogs making fun of me and using my picture n' stuff. But, seriously, who is Scott Larsen?
Scott Larsen... isn't that one of Greenstreet's aliases? I think I'm right about that. He has, like, 2-3 aliases, right? One is a filmmaker, the other makes out with married girls, and the third one is Scott Larsen... his total hipster FALL OUT BOY identity. Scott, lets do lunch!
I don't think anyone here "HATES" Steven Greenstreet so much as we hate his face, his smuggness, his haircut, his leather Members Only Jackets, his lack of height, his inflatable life-size Michael Moore doll, his loose morals especially his womanizing and sleeping around.
Steven needs to understand that.
Maybe if Steven could manage to log some time watching programs on LIFETIME in between going to get coffee and donuts for the DIRECTOR and rubbing his feet for him, he could develop more respect for women. He currently is VERY LACKING in that department.
P.S. I've heard that there is another "STEVEN GREENSTREET HOT TUB VID" going around that Steven originally posted on his blog, then removed. In shows him in the Hot Tub with those Chinese boys from that picture on his blog. I specifically heard that it shows Steven smoking tons of cigarettes, splashing, and having Chicken Fights. Has anyone seen it?? Please post it if you have it.
Let's stick to the cold hard facts. We don't need any speculation as to the existence of a second hot tub video. Isn't one more than enough? And as for Steven sleeping around, I cannot speak to this topic. All I know for sure are the facts.
And the facts are these:
#1. Steven Greenstreet likes to shoot video of himself doing various things including hangin' out in the HOT TUB!
If that isn't freaky weird enough for you, let's move on to numero dos.
#2. Steven Greenstreet likes to take pictures. A LOT OF PICTURES! And what may you ask does he take photos of? You guessed it, of HIMSELF of course!
What does he do with all of these photos and videos?
#3 He posts them on the WORLD WIDE WEB for our enjoyment and comedy!
"Nothing is funnier than someone who takes themselves too seriously...Nothing!"
FYI It is IMPOSSIBLE that another hot tub video exists with me and some Chinese youth. What a STOOPID rumor.
I tried to visit some Hot Tubs in China, but by the time I set up my video camera, they would close.
So, the video you talk about DOES NOT EXIST. you loser heads WISH there was a video with me horsing around with some other dudes. I'll bet you are all Scott Larson Turd posers.
OK folks, I too have seen evidence of Steven's online hatred towards women. He freaked out on a gal named "Molly" a while back on his blog. He was saying distgusting things of a very sexual nature to her. The whole thing was very disturbing to say the least. I can only assume that Bryan talked some sense in to him and convinced him to delete many of his posts and comments that were anti-female in nature.
All of that being said, let's not accuse him of womanizing, even if you know it to be true. There is nothing funny about adultery so please folks, I appreciate your comments but let us stick to the fun stuff:
Hot Tubbing alone with a video camera!
Taking way too many pitures of himself!
Realizing how ridiculous his HOT TUB video was, feeling extremely embarrassed, then removing it from his website and pretending that it never happened!
Ambercrombie Beanies indoors!
Home Alone!
Shopping at the University Mall for Ambercrombie!
Women's sunglasses!
Ghost-Directing "Beyond"!
Ambercrombie and Fitch!
Scott Larsen getting his goat!
Being OWNED!
Matching Ambercrombie Beanies and scarfs!
Being a POSER!
Taking up smoking in his twenties like all good posers do!
This morning, I had to take my suit to the tailor to get some alterations done, and as I walked up to the building, I saw a lot of disgusting cigarette smoke emitting from the door.
When I opened the door to the tailor shop, I saw, you guessed it, The MARLBORO MAN HIMSELF--Steven Greetstreet. He was apparently chain smoking while directing the poor tailor as to the alterations he wanted done.
Get this: Steven Greenstreet has his "COOL GUY T-SHIRTS" custom shortened in order to show off his collection of oversized, lame, poser, wanna-be Hollywood-guy belt buckles and his Von Dutch paint spattered low rise jeans and also to offset his abnormally short and feminine upper torso.
I recognized him immediately eventhough he is attempting to grow his hair out to look like one of the chicks on that "FRIENDS" show. I confirmed his identity when I saw that he was indeed wearing an ABERCROMBIE beanie and the crummy t-shirt that the tailor was working on was a RANCID shirt.
Steven Greenstreet was complaining to the tailor that as the designated guy who has to go fetch espressos and veggie wraps for the Director (and occasionally rub the Director's feet) while working on the set of the film "Beyond", he needs more of an "Mtv image..."
Now I happen to know FOR A FACT THAT Steven Greenstreet REAAAALLLY likes Mtv. Mtv actually wanted to buy Steven Greenstreet's film for some heavy duty cash, and Steven Greetstreet was going to hit the big time getting to dance himself into a tizzy on "The Grind", getting co-host the upcoming "ROCK THE VOTE '06" and also getting his own regular segment on "The Andy Milonakis Show" and everything.
But then Steven Greenstreet REALLY STEPPED IN IT when the guys over at Viacom checked out Steven Greenstreet's blog site and actually witnessed him Nancing around ALONE in a Hot Tub smoking tons of cheap cigarettes (his favorite brand is called "GRAND PRIX"---all the kids smoke 'em) and filming his little shenanigans for all to see. After seeing that, MTV pulled the whole saucy enchilada off the table.
That's about the time when Steven Greenstreet tried to pretend the video never existed and he had it destroyed for good by his goons in the Communist Chinese government.
I truly hope Steven Greenstreet stops wearing womens' sunglasses AND stops having Hot Tub-party chicken fights with Chinese boys. He needs to save his energy to help with the catering on the set of "Beyond" where he has become one of the most revered poser-terd, rubbers of Directors' Feet in the business.
how would one go about meeting this, this man. he seems like the type I would want to make a documentary on. imagine. getting dressed everyday. that is an episode. rubbing directors feet, that is an episode. smoking, that is an episode. the possibilities are endless. maybe not a doc. but maybe more on the lines of a sitcom......hmmmm, I think I,m onto something. I,ll keep everyone posted on the development. right now I have to go smoke and get dressed.
Now someone is REALLY on to something here: A Steven Greenstreet Reality TV show---Brilliant---
I think that the "HOT TUB" episode should actually be like a two parter---with part one ending in a cliffhanger as Steven Greenstreet is getting ready to open a new pack of those "Grand Prix" cigarettes that he likes so much because of their rich and smooth tobacco flavor--but then the episode ends abruptly and everyone has to tune in next time to see what Steven Greenstreet will do next.
By the way, if Steven Greenstreet thinks those cigarettes are going to help the fact that his growth was stunted at age 9 he's got another think comin'.
I need to pose a question for all the Steven Greenstreet fans out there:
Is it true or just a rumor started by Steven Greenstreet himself that Steven Greenstreet was spawned by, and therefore is a descendent of, some of the famous midgets from The Wizard of Oz???
I think it might be true because he has very small hands and feet, a much smaller than average little doll head (Note: The last human I saw with a head that small is named, "Schlitzy") and he also has a peculiarly elfish facial structure consistent with a fine midget pedigree. Obviously, his lack of height just SCREAMS midget breeding but the elfish facial structure is a slam dunk in my book.
I saw this one picture of Steven Greenstreet with his fashion guru Michael Moore at a Barbara Streisand Benefit Concert for Hillary Clinton and Moore had his fat, sweaty, ham-fisted, hot dog fingers hand on Steven Greenstreet's petite, frail shoulder and Steven Greenstreet is smilingn and feeling all loved and everything.
Apparently Steven Greenstreet is a likable enough guy when he's not NANCING AROUND in Hot Tubs alone Chain-Smoking or having Chicken Fights with Chinese Boys, Jet-Setting around the world acting like a Terd, Stealing People's Hard Earned Footage for his own gain, Being the Director of FOOT RUBBING on the set of "Beyond", Sitting around enduring Michael Moore's Body Odor, or Combing all the malls in the state to find the perfect Blink 182 Oversized Belt Buckle to go with is custom "SHORT RANCID SHIRTS", punk rock yuppie Abercrombie Beanies, and Elizbeth Taylor inspired Coco Chanel sunglasses that are too big for his tiny doll head.
So I guess what I'm saying is that when Steven Greenstreet is NOT doing any of these things, he's just like any other person that I wouldn't save from a burning building.
Man oh man someone hit the nail right on the head. In this case, I am referring to Steven Greenstreet and his "tiny doll head."
When I met Steven Greenstreet at Sundance, I immediately seized upon the notion that something about Steven Greenstreet was just out of whack. I could obviously see that he is really short and small but I didn't realize until Mr. O'Keefe brought it up that Steven Greenstreet has a tiny doll shaped, almost "pinhead".
That's what it is!!!! That is what made me think maybe he had some tiny doll head disease or something!!! It was really weird when I saw that he wears little boy sized beanies. Now it all makes sense.
What I actually realized is that Steven Greenstreet's tiny doll head makes those Grand Prix cigarettes he smokes so much look GIGANTIC while protruding from Steven Greenstreets stretched out little mouth. It looks like he is smoking a roll of paper towels for cryin out loud!!! You GO Steven!!!
Maybe Steven Greenstreet could do his next film (after working as the personal foot rubber and back scrubber of the Director of the film "Beyond") on people like himself who have WAY BELOW AVERAGE sized heads. He could show how he has to scour the department stores to find REAL SMALL BEANIES and those REAL BIG women's sunglasses just to compensate.
That tiny head is a real trip and if I were Steven Greenstreet, I would take full advantage of my tiny noggin to make some cash.....Heck maybe even bring Scott Larson in on the project to get it off the ground and lend some credibility.
when is someone on this blog going take a funny pill? i'd like to read something funny instead of reading stuff that makes me feel bad for the people who wrote it...
Hey there Shaw, Yer sniffin' up the wrong May pole there buddy boy. No one here has to take pills to be funny or to laugh. If that is how you get your yah-yahs so be it. But encouraging others to get addicted to pill popping just for pleasure is no laughing matter.
Now it IS ok to feel bad for Steven Greenstreet so long as you don't let it go to his small head. Taking a funny pill just so you can laugh at Steven Greenstreet in a Hot Tub is just plain off the charts wacko. Also in case you missed it because you were out trying to find these funny pills you fancy so much, this is not a blogsite for YOUR personal amusement you self centered crum-snatcher. This is a site to expose the poser-terd Steven Greenstreet and discuss his many escapades.
I happen to find this blog site very revealing to say the least and this Jack Tripper guy is definitely right on the mark. Keep it up Jack and I'm buyin the next round at the 'Regal Beagle'.
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
greenstreet-hater kool aid consumption is on the rise...
At 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kool-aid is a fine beverage for any occassion!
mmmmm, mmmmm, goooood!
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
i know it's a cheap shot to take, but aren't asians stereotypically known for being short? it's just that steve looks so tiny, even compared to those wee asian kids...that's okay though. what steve lacks in height he makes up in ego. oh. and lying. he also makes up for height in lying.
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Buttstreet,
I do not know what you are talking about. Steven NEVER NEVER LIES! You need to seriously get a life and quit lying yourself! If anyone is a liar around here it's you Buttstreet! So get a clue!
I can't wait to see Steven's next film "Beyond". He is so talented that in addition to Directing the film, he was also seen hauling equipment around and getting coffee for some schlep named Breck Eisner. Who in the world is Breck Eisner? And why is he demanding that Steven Greenstreet, the Director of "Beyond" get him coffee?
I guess Steven is so humble that he likes to make sure that everyone on his crew has enough beverages and snacks.
At 1:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's slander, buttstreet.
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Buttstreet!
keep it clean! I have made it clear that we at stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com want to provide family friendly comedy for years to come. Shame on me for being in such a hurry that I didn't take the time to read your ENTIRE comment before posting it. We at stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com WILL NOT tolerate that brand of language!
We at stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com reserve the right to "filter", delete or delete portions of any and all comments to assure the dialogue is always apropriate for the entire family.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
What's the story with that poor, small, sickly, undernourished, albino Chinese boy in the picture??? He is clearly MUCH SMALLER than the other Chinese kids. Is he one of those poor kids from Beijing who does not get to drink milk which helps us all build healthy bones and teeth and helps us grow taller???
I think its terrible that these poor albino Chinese kids could be so blatantly discriminated against by that Commie Chinese government. I had always read about their human rights abuses and all----but this one is downright dastardly!!!!
I am personally writing to Condeleeza Rice to see if she can get the message across to the Chinese that keeping poor, small, albino Chinese boys without a proper milk supply is not right and will not be tolerated by the international community.
In the meantime, I think we should all kick in and try to track down this pale little nymph and try to get him some milk products. Heck the poor neglected little scrub might even need Ovaltine twice a day at this point just to survive.
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
HURRY! There are more pictures of Greenstreet in Hong Kong on his blog! Grab one or two of them so we can make fun of them! But, seriously, hurry! Now that school's out, I've got nothing better to do than worry and fret about Steven Greenstreet.
At 7:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 7:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Seeker of Truth!,
I have no doubt that you indeed seek the truth when you say:
"The beans that I'm about to spill to you fine people are not, in fact, beans of either libel or slander. They are beans of truth, and if you sow these beans, they will grow into a mighty beanstalk of truth! Please do not erase this post, because I'm not kidding about this. Steven is not only a thief and a liar, but also an adulterer! That's right, I happen to have heard straight from the horse's mouth (Mr. Greenstreet's mistress, "________"), that the two shared several intimate moments while Mr. Greenstreet was still legally married to his wife. Granted, this has nothing to do with Mr. Greenstreet's ability as a director/director's assistant, but as Mr. Greenstreet is known for his staunch advocacy of the first amendment, I am merely following his example. Thanks, Steve. You are truly one of the last great Americans."
However, might I suggest that you start your own blog that deals more with the heavy stuff surrounding Mr. Greenstreet. We at "stevengreenstreet.blogspot.com" feel it our duty to steer clear of the heavy topics such as this as we know nothing regarding such accusations as true as they may or may not be. We wish to keep it PG for the children.
Thank you for understanding our stance on this issue.
Best of luck to you on your new PG-13 Blog about Mr. Greenstreet!
The Manager in Charge.
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Scott Larson posted that last post. and he is, indeed, the manager in charge. I heard that rumor too about Greenstreet and all the girls he's been with, etc. Man! Will he EVER stop? The man's out of control! Do something StevenGreenstreet.blogspot.com!
At 3:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Uh Oh! Greenstreet put up a post on his blog about this site and how much we "hate him" here. Hey Greenstreet, don't you think if we really hated you, we'd go out and get lives of our OWN? Nah... it's all love here, man.
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who is Scott Larsen?
At 10:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a minute. Which "anonymous" is talking now? I have no idea! I just wanted to know who Scott Larsen is! That doesn't mean I want to let the whole world (which currently revolves around this blog) to know my real name. People might start up blogs making fun of me and using my picture n' stuff. But, seriously, who is Scott Larsen?
At 11:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Scott Larsen... isn't that one of Greenstreet's aliases? I think I'm right about that. He has, like, 2-3 aliases, right? One is a filmmaker, the other makes out with married girls, and the third one is Scott Larsen... his total hipster FALL OUT BOY identity. Scott, lets do lunch!
At 8:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't think anyone here "HATES" Steven Greenstreet so much as we hate his face, his smuggness, his haircut, his leather Members Only Jackets, his lack of height, his inflatable life-size Michael Moore doll, his loose morals especially his womanizing and sleeping around.
Steven needs to understand that.
Maybe if Steven could manage to log some time watching programs on LIFETIME in between going to get coffee and donuts for the DIRECTOR and rubbing his feet for him, he could develop more respect for women. He currently is VERY LACKING in that department.
P.S. I've heard that there is another "STEVEN GREENSTREET HOT TUB VID" going around that Steven originally posted on his blog, then removed. In shows him in the Hot Tub with those Chinese boys from that picture on his blog. I specifically heard that it shows Steven smoking tons of cigarettes, splashing, and having Chicken Fights. Has anyone seen it?? Please post it if you have it.
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Injun Joe,
Let's stick to the cold hard facts. We don't need any speculation as to the existence of a second hot tub video. Isn't one more than enough? And as for Steven sleeping around, I cannot speak to this topic. All I know for sure are the facts.
And the facts are these:
#1. Steven Greenstreet likes to shoot video of himself doing various things including hangin' out in the HOT TUB!
If that isn't freaky weird enough for you, let's move on to numero dos.
#2. Steven Greenstreet likes to take pictures. A LOT OF PICTURES! And what may you ask does he take photos of? You guessed it, of HIMSELF of course!
What does he do with all of these photos and videos?
#3 He posts them on the WORLD WIDE WEB for our enjoyment and comedy!
"Nothing is funnier than someone who takes themselves too seriously...Nothing!"
At 9:44 PM,
steven said…
FYI It is IMPOSSIBLE that another hot tub video exists with me and some Chinese youth. What a STOOPID rumor.
I tried to visit some Hot Tubs in China, but by the time I set up my video camera, they would close.
So, the video you talk about DOES NOT EXIST. you loser heads WISH there was a video with me horsing around with some other dudes. I'll bet you are all Scott Larson Turd posers.
At 8:08 AM,
Jack Tripper said…
OK folks, I too have seen evidence of Steven's online hatred towards women. He freaked out on a gal named "Molly" a while back on his blog. He was saying distgusting things of a very sexual nature to her. The whole thing was very disturbing to say the least. I can only assume that Bryan talked some sense in to him and convinced him to delete many of his posts and comments that were anti-female in nature.
All of that being said, let's not accuse him of womanizing, even if you know it to be true. There is nothing funny about adultery so please folks, I appreciate your comments but let us stick to the fun stuff:
Hot Tubbing alone with a video camera!
Taking way too many pitures of himself!
Realizing how ridiculous his HOT TUB video was, feeling extremely embarrassed, then removing it from his website and pretending that it never happened!
Ambercrombie Beanies indoors!
Home Alone!
Shopping at the University Mall for Ambercrombie!
Women's sunglasses!
Ghost-Directing "Beyond"!
Ambercrombie and Fitch!
Scott Larsen getting his goat!
Being OWNED!
Matching Ambercrombie Beanies and scarfs!
Being a POSER!
Taking up smoking in his twenties like all good posers do!
And last but not least... Ambercrombie!
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Steven Greenstreet Sighting Alert:
This morning, I had to take my suit to the tailor to get some alterations done, and as I walked up to the building, I saw a lot of disgusting cigarette smoke emitting from the door.
When I opened the door to the tailor shop, I saw, you guessed it, The MARLBORO MAN HIMSELF--Steven Greetstreet. He was apparently chain smoking while directing the poor tailor as to the alterations he wanted done.
Get this: Steven Greenstreet has his "COOL GUY T-SHIRTS" custom shortened in order to show off his collection of oversized, lame, poser, wanna-be Hollywood-guy belt buckles and his Von Dutch paint spattered low rise jeans and also to offset his abnormally short and feminine upper torso.
I recognized him immediately eventhough he is attempting to grow his hair out to look like one of the chicks on that "FRIENDS" show. I confirmed his identity when I saw that he was indeed wearing an ABERCROMBIE beanie and the crummy t-shirt that the tailor was working on was a RANCID shirt.
Steven Greenstreet was complaining to the tailor that as the designated guy who has to go fetch espressos and veggie wraps for the Director (and occasionally rub the Director's feet) while working on the set of the film "Beyond", he needs more of an "Mtv image..."
Now I happen to know FOR A FACT THAT Steven Greenstreet REAAAALLLY likes Mtv. Mtv actually wanted to buy Steven Greenstreet's film for some heavy duty cash, and Steven Greetstreet was going to hit the big time getting to dance himself into a tizzy on "The Grind", getting co-host the upcoming "ROCK THE VOTE '06" and also getting his own regular segment on "The Andy Milonakis Show" and everything.
But then Steven Greenstreet REALLY STEPPED IN IT when the guys over at Viacom checked out Steven Greenstreet's blog site and actually witnessed him Nancing around ALONE in a Hot Tub smoking tons of cheap cigarettes (his favorite brand is called "GRAND PRIX"---all the kids smoke 'em) and filming his little shenanigans for all to see. After seeing that, MTV pulled the whole saucy enchilada off the table.
That's about the time when Steven Greenstreet tried to pretend the video never existed and he had it destroyed for good by his goons in the Communist Chinese government.
I truly hope Steven Greenstreet stops wearing womens' sunglasses AND stops having Hot Tub-party chicken fights with Chinese boys. He needs to save his energy to help with the catering on the set of "Beyond" where he has become one of the most revered poser-terd, rubbers of Directors' Feet in the business.
Keep fighting the good fight Steven!!!!
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
how would one go about meeting this, this man. he seems like the type I would want to make a documentary on. imagine. getting dressed everyday. that is an episode. rubbing directors feet, that is an episode. smoking, that is an episode. the possibilities are endless. maybe not a doc. but maybe more on the lines of a sitcom......hmmmm, I think I,m onto something. I,ll keep everyone posted on the development. right now I have to go smoke and get dressed.
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now someone is REALLY on to something here: A Steven Greenstreet Reality TV show---Brilliant---
I think that the "HOT TUB" episode should actually be like a two parter---with part one ending in a cliffhanger as Steven Greenstreet is getting ready to open a new pack of those "Grand Prix" cigarettes that he likes so much because of their rich and smooth tobacco flavor--but then the episode ends abruptly and everyone has to tune in next time to see what Steven Greenstreet will do next.
By the way, if Steven Greenstreet thinks those cigarettes are going to help the fact that his growth was stunted at age 9 he's got another think comin'.
I need to pose a question for all the Steven Greenstreet fans out there:
Is it true or just a rumor started by Steven Greenstreet himself that Steven Greenstreet was spawned by, and therefore is a descendent of, some of the famous midgets from The Wizard of Oz???
I think it might be true because he has very small hands and feet, a much smaller than average little doll head (Note: The last human I saw with a head that small is named, "Schlitzy") and he also has a peculiarly elfish facial structure consistent with a fine midget pedigree. Obviously, his lack of height just SCREAMS midget breeding but the elfish facial structure is a slam dunk in my book.
I saw this one picture of Steven Greenstreet with his fashion guru Michael Moore at a Barbara Streisand Benefit Concert for Hillary Clinton and Moore had his fat, sweaty, ham-fisted, hot dog fingers hand on Steven Greenstreet's petite, frail shoulder and Steven Greenstreet is smilingn and feeling all loved and everything.
Apparently Steven Greenstreet is a likable enough guy when he's not NANCING AROUND in Hot Tubs alone Chain-Smoking or having Chicken Fights with Chinese Boys, Jet-Setting around the world acting like a Terd, Stealing People's Hard Earned Footage for his own gain, Being the Director of FOOT RUBBING on the set of "Beyond", Sitting around enduring Michael Moore's Body Odor, or Combing all the malls in the state to find the perfect Blink 182 Oversized Belt Buckle to go with is custom "SHORT RANCID SHIRTS", punk rock yuppie Abercrombie Beanies, and Elizbeth Taylor inspired Coco Chanel sunglasses that are too big for his tiny doll head.
So I guess what I'm saying is that when Steven Greenstreet is NOT doing any of these things, he's just like any other person that I wouldn't save from a burning building.
At 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Man oh man someone hit the nail right on the head. In this case, I am referring to Steven Greenstreet and his "tiny doll head."
When I met Steven Greenstreet at Sundance, I immediately seized upon the notion that something about Steven Greenstreet was just out of whack. I could obviously see that he is really short and small but I didn't realize until Mr. O'Keefe brought it up that Steven Greenstreet has a tiny doll shaped, almost "pinhead".
That's what it is!!!! That is what made me think maybe he had some tiny doll head disease or something!!! It was really weird when I saw that he wears little boy sized beanies. Now it all makes sense.
What I actually realized is that Steven Greenstreet's tiny doll head makes those Grand Prix cigarettes he smokes so much look GIGANTIC while protruding from Steven Greenstreets stretched out little mouth. It looks like he is smoking a roll of paper towels for cryin out loud!!! You GO Steven!!!
Maybe Steven Greenstreet could do his next film (after working as the personal foot rubber and back scrubber of the Director of the film "Beyond") on people like himself who have WAY BELOW AVERAGE sized heads. He could show how he has to scour the department stores to find REAL SMALL BEANIES and those REAL BIG women's sunglasses just to compensate.
That tiny head is a real trip and if I were Steven Greenstreet, I would take full advantage of my tiny noggin to make some cash.....Heck maybe even bring Scott Larson in on the project to get it off the ground and lend some credibility.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
when is someone on this blog going take a funny pill? i'd like to read something funny instead of reading stuff that makes me feel bad for the people who wrote it...
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
remove posts and you lose
At 10:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey there Shaw, Yer sniffin' up the wrong May pole there buddy boy. No one here has to take pills to be funny or to laugh. If that is how you get your yah-yahs so be it. But encouraging others to get addicted to pill popping just for pleasure is no laughing matter.
Now it IS ok to feel bad for Steven Greenstreet so long as you don't let it go to his small head. Taking a funny pill just so you can laugh at Steven Greenstreet in a Hot Tub is just plain off the charts wacko. Also in case you missed it because you were out trying to find these funny pills you fancy so much, this is not a blogsite for YOUR personal amusement you self centered crum-snatcher. This is a site to expose the poser-terd Steven Greenstreet and discuss his many escapades.
I happen to find this blog site very revealing to say the least and this Jack Tripper guy is definitely right on the mark. Keep it up Jack and I'm buyin the next round at the 'Regal Beagle'.
At 11:15 PM,
steven said…
Clay (if that is your real name) I just checked out your blog...NOT!!!! Get a clue, you bird turd.
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